女教师 2022
240跟随阿玛拉,她看似完美的生活在一段涉及她的丑闻视频疯传后发生天翻地覆的变化,成为社会贱民,但她靠自己的努力试图摆脱困境。 -
罗曼查姆 2023
681改编自 2007 年班加罗尔 7 名单身汉在玩显灵板后的生活中发生的真实事件以及随后发生的事件。 -
93Based on real incidents that happened in the life of 7 bachelors in Bangalore in 2007 after playing the Ouija board and events followed by it. -
626One day, a buffalo that ran away from a butcher’s runs through the whole village. All men of the village run out to catch the buffalo and make a fuss, -
野牛 2019
726有一天,一头从肉店逃跑的水牛跑遍了整个村庄。村里的男人都跑出去抓水牛闹腾,原本平静的村庄却被背叛、暴力和破坏玷污了。 -
793One day, a buffalo that ran away from a butcher’s runs through the whole village. All men of the village run out to catch the buffalo and make a fus