963在杂志社工作的伊内姿梦想是成为首屈一指的记者,然而总是被指派打杂、跑腿,写的稿子始终不被采纳。 某天,她撞上了一辆保时捷,车主正是总部派来的财务长菲利普,两人展开了宛如爱情芭乐剧般的关系。 伊内姿在夜店结识了退役的足球金童麦克斯,并取得三天贴身独家采访的机会,眼看流量密码送上门,伊内姿使出浑身解数与 -
52A young female journalist gets a chance to follow a famous football star for three days to write an article about him, as her first assignment. What s -
73A young female journalist gets a chance to follow a famous football star for three days to write an article about him, as her first assignment. What s -
732A young female journalist gets a chance to follow a famous football star for three days to write an article about him, as her first assignment. What s