934BBC 在英国牛津郡的布莱特韦尔小镇,镇上所有的狗狗们正在参加一场盛会。通过别开生面的竞赛与测验,主持人与专家们试图揭开这些人类忠实伙伴的秘密。而历史学家古德曼则会奔赴各地,探寻一些备受人们喜爱的犬种背后鲜为人知的历史与故事。 -
765帕斯卡(Bernhard Bulling 饰)和永健(吕聿来 饰)是漂在香港的两个年轻人。帕斯卡来自瑞士,靠做街头艺人和小偷小摸维持生活;永健来自北京,是一家烧腊店的外卖伙计。两个陌生人在陌生的城市不期而遇,发展出一段心动的爱情。然而快乐却是短暂而伤感的,最终因为帕斯卡的一场意外而化做泡沫。很多 -
298黑帮老大乔·卡伯特(劳伦斯·蒂尔尼 饰)和他的儿子“好家伙”艾迪(克里斯·佩恩 饰)召集了六名强盗,准备到珠宝店抢劫一批天然钻石。这六个人彼此各不相识,甚至连对方的姓名都无从得知。乔为了保持机密,以颜色作为代号分别给六人起名为白先生(哈维·凯特尔 饰)、橙先生(蒂姆·罗思 饰)、金先生(迈克尔·马德 -
98It’s 1939 in Siam. The Japanese are threatening invasion and the Free Thai movement is gaining momentum. Angsumalin, the beautiful daughter of a mil -
680安曼女神降临人间,借助电视台记者揭露神棍的故事... -
In this special festive edition of the show Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford discover the most luxurious and expensive ways in which to enjoy Christma
894https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0bcmjht/horizon-2018-4-spina-bifida-me One in every 1,000 pregnancies in Britain has a spine or brain defect l -
296New planets are now being discovered outside our solar system on a regular basis, and these strange new worlds are forcing scientists to rewrite the h -
Adam Rutherford meets a new creature created by American scientists - the spider-goat. It is part goat, part spider, and its milk can be used to creat
This episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather than relying on the minds of science fiction writers